Paya Foolad Kavir Yazd Company

Paya Foolad Kavir Yazd Company was established in 2014 with the investment of private sector and goal of job creation for native labor force and economic development of the region of Saghand, County of Kharanaq, Ardakan, Yazd, and commenced its activity seriously.



Iron ore concentrate is a secondary product of raw iron ore in the form of black powder. This method is used to increase the quality and grade of extracted iron ore, and iron ore concentrate is considered one of the raw materials in making pellets and DRI. In general, iron ore concentrate is the primary feedstock for steel production.

Industrial Mining Paya Foolad Kavir Yazd Company is operating with an annual production capacity of 2 million tons of iron ore concentrate.


Tons of production

(55% - 44%)+

Grade of the entrance stone


Grade of production concentrate

Paya Foolad values

  • In order to achieve Islamic, humanitarian and national goals, this company obliges its shareholders to comply with the following.

safe environment

Creating a safe environment in terms of professional, environmental and industrial risks

Environmental Protection

Efforts to preserve the environment and comply with relevant standards and raise executive standards

Compliance with ethical principles

Commitment to maintain the human dignity of employees by observing ethical principles and fulfilling all their rightful needs

Development of weak areas

Committed to the development and progress of weak areas of the country with financial, intellectual and managerial participation

Product quality

Fair competition with similar companies by realizing continuous improvement of product quality

Customer Orientation

Customer orientation and optimal interaction with them

Latest News

To cooperate in a calm and friendly environment with compliance with work requirements


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